Part 24: Prep: Samurai Steve
Update 16: Samurai Steve (Prep)Oh hey, it's Chapter 5 time. Last time around everything went to shit as Caeda revealed to us that Hardin had betrayed us and taken over Altea while Marth was off dicking around halfway across the continent.
But before we can deal with that, Marth kinda has to go free the country he accidentally helped the villains conquer. Whoops.

Narrator: Hardin was once not only a comrade-in-arms,
but a trusted confidant and irreplaceable friend.
"Yet... why attack Altea? What have I done wrong?"
Filled with frustration, Marth hurried his return to his homeland,
but the first barrier stood in his way:
Olbern Keep, headquarters of the Grustian Occupation Army led by the evil General Lang...
also known as the "Nest of Evil."
Little on the nose with the name there. But we don't quite get the Prep screen yet...

Well they are named after the continent.

Metal G-ehhhh, not worth it.

For those of you who were wondering where the arenas were in this one, well, here's one!

The Drill Grounds can be accessed now at any time from the prep screen.

This lovely fellow owns it.

Any character that uses a weapon can use them (So no clerics/curates)

And you can see the combat forecast here. Note that you have to pay to fight here, which makes them less profitable than previous games' arenas, which treated the entrance money as a wager. You don't get any money back here.

You can press B to preemptively stop the match, but it won't end until a turn of combat goes by, so no cheating if you miss or something.

Warren does not have any problems.

And he gets a level out of it. Drill Grounds levels are a little different than normal. They're more fixed, so you have less chances of getting RNG screwed, but less of getting really lucky level ups. According to some posts on Serenes, this is based on the units Base Stat Growths.
So, for example, if you add up all of Warren's base stat growths, you get 215%. That 200 guarantees 2 Stat Ups, and there's a 15% chance of getting a 3rd stat. But, since he's a Hunter, you can add 75% to that, so there's a 90% chance of 3 stats.
Note that a lot of this seems to be mostly educated guesswork, because I couldn't find it proven anywhere. This game doesn't have as much info out there as some of the others due to its JP only release.
Drill Grounds are a good way of leveling characters that are struggling a bit and have good growths, but they can drain your money really quick, so if you like to forge weapons or buy a lot of them, use them sparingly.

You can also chain fights together to increase your max number of fights won in a row. I'm not sure if this does anything, but eh.

I went ahead and gave Julian a bit of a boost. (His total is 370%, so that theory is looking pretty solid)
And now it's time for...well, I didn't want to do this. Mage Steve was fun. It was also horribly depressing. Steve, I'm sorry. But it's better this way. We can actually use you.

And with that Steve has already hit the cap for Speed. Damn.
But I will not forget her roots.

Fucking growth rates. Here's the map.

We start in the bottom right corner There's a short way around this river that leads to the fort, and a long way with a village in it, so much like Chapter 3, at least Marth will have to go the long way. Directly north of us we see two familiar faces, though...


And...oh. Cowlick II, Son of Cowlick.


And here's the boss on the SW island. He's got a fucking Ballista

Lots of Base Conversations today.
Pega-chess Knights

Really the basics of tactics for you guys are "STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ARROWS", but that works.

Maybe the horrible war going on and your sister being missing in action in an occupied country? I dunno, spitballing here.

I don't think they outright say it in game, but Catria has a thing for Marth. He is both engaged and far too dense to notice, so nothing comes of it.
Steve Sniffs Stuff

Damn, yeah, that was like Prologue 3.

The Death Of Steve

Steve, swords are heavy, you can't use them like-

Well, that was Fire Emblem 12. Hope you liked it.

Class changing.

Well, the guy was friends with Jagen.

She's pretty good at that.
Jagen Rage

I would ask why Jagen didn't tell Marth Hardin might be betraying him, but knowing Jagen he probably suspects everyone of betraying them.
Axe-ing Ogma a Question

Steve just jams a "Sir" in front of everyone's name. Except Luke. For reasons.

"He had an idea" is like the vaguest possible thing.

Julian's Jam

I'd rather you didn't, thieves are pretty useful.
Wrapping things up with a How's Everyone.

Thought you were taking a break with Steve, Palla

Raking in that Bath EXP

Uh, congrats?

Another shitty sword. Thoroughly "meh".

Starting to wish I had killed you.
And that's it for this time. Hope everyone enjoyed mounds of dull dialogue!